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 CB750 tappet covers leaking oil

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john Posted - 11 Apr 2013 : 3:48:21 PM
At a recent meeting it was alleged that the tappet covers on the 750 Honda 4's need to be drilled and wired because they may come off and leak. Has anybody had such a problem, and if so, did any oil come out? Thanks
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 14 Apr 2013 : 1:56:34 PM
Thanks Jerry
Jerry Posted - 14 Apr 2013 : 07:27:46 AM
Dear All, Honda CB72/77s also have tappet covers. Never had one come loose in earlier years but do lockwire them now but only to keep scrutineering issues to a minimum. Also have lockwire holes in other unnecessary? parts just in case scrutineers get funny. The MOMS can be interpreted in so many ways. As an example I have walked away shaking my head regarding brake caliper bolts being lockwired and the nuts on the other side of the adaptor plate not. Rules and interpretations! Sometimes we all should sit down and think about the commonsense intent of the rules and then run with that. All the best Jerry
john Posted - 13 Apr 2013 : 3:29:07 PM
I dont have a position on the matter, but in 20 years of dealing with Hond CB750 its not been an issue.
I am just looking for feedback to find out if it has been a problem, or if its not an issue. I cant explain why nobody has picked up on it earlier, unless it was done 25 years ago and cleared.
Bummers Posted - 13 Apr 2013 : 11:27:13 AM
Originally posted by john

What are you saying Bummers?
Are you displaying envy?
Are you suggesting solos dont drop oil?

Very envious John

But why not wire them, if there is a risk of them undoing? I try to wire anything on my solos that might come undone or leak.
I'd rather make the end of the race & negate the risk of oil dropping on the track.
It ain't THAT hard to drill & wire a set of tappet covers. Once they are done - they're done.
Actually I've been using garden wire to wire the more frequently used items - it's soft, pliable & cheap. Still use stainless tie wire on brakes & infrequently used nuts & bolts (& tappet covers )
john Posted - 13 Apr 2013 : 09:20:57 AM
What are you saying Bummers?
Are you displaying envy?
Are you suggesting solos dont drop oil?
Bummers Posted - 12 Apr 2013 : 4:46:16 PM
Haven't sidecars got a bad enough reputation yet?

john Posted - 12 Apr 2013 : 2:05:11 PM
Thanks, I will follow up
Historic Posted - 12 Apr 2013 : 10:25:12 AM
There is no need to lock wire them.
I believe that this misunderstanding came from an over zealous steward whom apparently not only doesn't understand the rules, their intent or indeed the scope and authority of his own position at a race meeting.
Before everyone reaches for the lock-wire pliers perhaps it would be more effective that the SCB ensure that there is some level of experience in Historic road racing when appointing officials.
john Posted - 11 Apr 2013 : 9:25:15 PM
Alan, what about the need to wire them?
Alan Posted - 11 Apr 2013 : 6:59:25 PM
Hi John, I did lose one at a race meeting and yes it did leak a little oil out. Not enough to be seriously dangerous but bad enough to be a nuisance and I wouldnt go out without one on.

Alan Sidecar21 WA

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